What to expect
Come a little early and join us at the coffee bar where you can free cup to set the tone for your day. We generally start with a few worship songs followed by announcements about upcoming events at LUC. Then one of our pastors will bring a Bible based sermon closing out with prayer.
There is a communion station each Sunday in the main sanctuary. Communion reminds us of Jesus' body broken and blood shed on the cross in our place for our sins. If you surrendered your life to Christ and consider yourself a Christian, we encourage you to take communion as often as you would like.
Like most families, our church family has people who are formal and people who are informal. Whether you are wearing a suit or dress, or flip flops and shorts, you will find lots of people dressed just like you.
We know that each stage of a Childs development is different and we want to meet them were they are at while equipping them for what is ahead!